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Ayana Symone ♡
Jul 22, 20183 min read
"Grace Upon Grace"
Here's how it should go: If you buy dinner, I'm buying dessert. If you give me a free ride, I'll pay for your gas. If you give me a...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Jul 15, 20185 min read
"Memories & Milestones"
Four years ago yesterday, I was a confused, paranoid, exhausted thirteen-year-old girl. I knew I needed a Savior, but was too stubborn...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Jul 8, 20184 min read
"Calling All Creators"
I must admit—— I care a whole lot about what people think of my writing. Whether it's a blog post, an essay, an email even, and...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Jul 1, 20183 min read
"The Myth of the Mental Illness"
You have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food in your stomach and money in the bank. You have friends and family around you....
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Ayana Symone ♡
Jun 24, 20187 min read
"H. I. G. H. S. C. H. O. O. L."
Let's first discuss the obvious: I haven't blogged in months. But, if you're willing, I'd like to excuse myself with this: I graduated...
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Apr 29, 20183 min read
"...Change of Plans"
First, it was the date of publishing. I remember telling friends and family in the fall of 2014, "The book will be out next summer!" What...
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Apr 15, 20184 min read
"Greater than Gatsby"
On April 10, 1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote one of America's most brilliant classics. Behold, The Great Gatsby. I've always wondered if...
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Mar 18, 20188 min read
I believe in Jesus Christ. Even further, I read The Bible every day. I talk to Him whenever I'm alone. I mention Him in most of my...
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Mar 11, 20181 min read
"Take Care"
1) Sleep. I'm not just saying this from a lazy teenager's point of view. A good night's rest will put you in a great mood. 2) Clean....
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Mar 4, 20185 min read
"My Name is Ayana Symone"
A little fun fact about me: My last name is not Symone. It's my middle name. And something else? It's not even spelled Symone. It's...
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Feb 25, 20182 min read
"All the Glory"
Sunday's are the days where I'm supposed to have all of my words. But today, I have none. This morning I signed my book for more people...
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Feb 11, 20187 min read
"The Night Before"
So I'm sure by now, most of you have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether you grew up in church, studied it in school, ran across a...
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Feb 4, 20187 min read
"The Thorn in Our Flesh"
Didn't we leave that whole teen angst thing back in 2012? Umm.. I wish. ​ Anxiety is a monster. It destroys your relationships, your...
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Jan 28, 20183 min read
"The I AM Reveals Who I Am" (Like Father, like Daughter)
It was only three months after I gave my heart to Christ when God whispered a line in my ear. It was an odd line. A creative line. A line...
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