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Ayana Symone ♡
May 31, 20203 min read
"Power to the Weak"
Dear reader, If you are feeling weak in any way, I'm writing this blog post to you. I wish I could say I'm blogging this month in high...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Apr 26, 20205 min read
"Won't He Do It?"
Have you ever just wanted to give God a call? I'm talking about having an actual number from Him in your contacts, digits to dial up when...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Mar 29, 20204 min read
"All in This Together"
Oh, I have a symptom? Someone MY AGE just got the virus. Could it be that I'm next? Have I always gotten migraines like this? I...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Feb 24, 20206 min read
"The Lust of Our Lives"
Okay. We’ve tiptoed around it long enough. It’s time to talk about lust. And, not just talk about it in the way you already might’ve...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Jan 26, 20203 min read
"When the Rooster Crows"
5, 4, 3, 2, 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR! The ball drops, the confetti is thrown, people kiss, loud music plays, and just like the fireworks in...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Dec 29, 20196 min read
"YOU Do It"
Then the Lord said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on." —Exodus 14:15 Woah, woah, woah, God. Say...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Nov 24, 20195 min read
"The Problem with Answered Prayers"
True or False: When God answers your prayer, it will be exactly like how you expected. False, you say? I agree. True, you may argue?...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Oct 27, 20196 min read
"Out of Shape"
If you always feel like you never really fit in, like you can't truly connect with anyone else, as if you don't belong anywhere...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Sep 29, 20196 min read
"Boys Hurt Too"
Alright, fellas. This month? It's me and you. That's right. You. To the guy who has been fighting the battle in his mind for weeks...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Aug 25, 20193 min read
"No More Hiding"
Just picture me staring blankly at my computer screen for hours upon hours, recovering from a week's worth of what I'd like to call...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Jul 28, 20198 min read
"The End of Forever"
On August 7, 2000 at 9:03 pm, a baby prone to discomfort and anxiety was born. She had no idea that eight years down the road, her...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Jun 30, 20198 min read
"31 Rings"
I don't know if you noticed, but being a girl is amazing. Not just because having femininity is an honor in itself, but after you've been...
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Ayana Symone ♡
May 26, 20195 min read
"When the Pain Kicks In"
Last time you heard from me, I was totally vulnerable and bare before you—reminiscing on a few revealing moments I had with the Holy...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Apr 28, 20198 min read
"Why I Ghost God"
Do you ever just mess around and... make yourself emotionally unavailable for a good 72 hours? Or let one unfortunate day ruin your mood...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Mar 31, 20196 min read
"Telling God, 'I Told You So'"
If you're anything like me, you worry. And you worry often. Not necessarily because you want to. Not because there's a reason to either....
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Ayana Symone ♡
Feb 25, 201910 min read
"The Fight of My Life"
I'll just be honest with you— this is incredibly difficult for me to post. For someone who blogs to encourage others, advocates for...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Aug 26, 20184 min read
"Achievable with Discipline"
One thing I never fully grasped in high school: properly managing my time. Sure, I never missed a deadline, received good grades, and...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Aug 12, 20183 min read
Last week, I asked myself a silly question. "Can I ever dream as big as I did at eight years old?" This week, I'm expounding on the...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Aug 5, 20186 min read
"Eight Versus Eighteen"
How cool would it be to have dinner with eight-year-old me. She'd be in a pink, glittery hat with silver eyeshadow up and above her bushy...
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Ayana Symone ♡
Jul 29, 20185 min read
"Every Heart's Desire"
Being in love right now is in. Therefore, the love experts are out. They're swirling around Twitter with threads on "how to keep your man...
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